Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 29th Preview

Seven miles is our distance this Memorial weekend. Start at about 8 o’clock, with the Eugene Running Company opening at 7:45.

The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don’t cross. Turn right onto bike path, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn left, to turnaround at war-victims memorial (near Skinner Butte playground). Turn AROUND there and come back the same way: Valley River, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 6.98 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at halfway. Weather forecast: starting temperature about 50 and sunny.


Question: What should I do during the week, between long runs?

Answer: On weekdays “rest” and “easy” are the key words. The biggest mistake half-marathon trainers make is trying to increase all their running. The longer you go on Sundays, the less you can or should do the other days. My recommended easy run is one lasting 30 to 60 minutes (usually closer to the half-hour than the hour) at a relaxed pace, totaling no more than two hours of running between Sundays. Training by minutes instead of miles encourages you to run easily, because you can’t rush time the way you might do with distance. I also urge you to take a day or two off (easy cross-training is okay those days) after the long run and one rest day before the next one.

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