Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 28th Results (4.9 miles)

Good to see so many of you today, several for the first time. Welcome to the team, Peace, Jessica and Becky!

Thanks to Shivaun for opening the store today. And to Michelle R. and Neal for agreeing to interviews with Register-Guard videographer Kelly Lyon.

I’ll be away next weekend, but the six-mile run will go on as scheduled with helpers already volunteered.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 4.87 miles, and comparison to last long run for those already here; their target was to match that pace, for recovery and taper, or to go faster, for speed training; for runners joining us today, the target was to run at a pace you can eventually hope to hold or the half-marathon)

Neal – 52:34 (10:47s, -54 per mile) day’s most improved
Stephanie – 52:34 (10:47s)
Peace – 48:34 (9:58s)
Steve – 47:57 (9:50s, +2 sec.) day’s best pacer, tie
Jessica – 54:22 (11:10s)
Becky – 48:24 (9:56s)
Rose – 42:13 (8:40s)
Desiree – 56:23 (11:34s, -2 sec.) day's best pacer, tie
Trina – 54:52 (11:16s, -40 sec.)
Rachel W. – 42:13 (8:40s)
Nobuko – 54:07 (11:06a, +8 sec.)


Jean – 5 miles in Cottage Grove on Saturday
Tatiana – 5 miles in Cottage Grove on Saturday
Anna G. – 10.94 miles with us, 1:44:24 (9:34s)
Rachel F. – 5 miles at Stanford, California, on Saturday
Liz – 5 miles later Sunday, 49:47 (9:57s)
Anna S. -- 5.1 miles on Tuesday, 36:30 (7:17s)
Lauren – 6 miles on Saturday

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 28th Preview

Away we go (again)! Sunday is opening day for Eugene Half-Marathon training. New runners join those who are tapering this weekend for the Cottage Grove Half.

Sunday's distance is 4.9 miles. Meet at the Eugene Running Company, with the store opening at 7:45 and the run starting shortly after eight. You'll begin with the marathoners, whose distance that day is 15 miles.

The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and across. Turn right onto bike path, then to Valley River footbridge and across. Back to Ferry Street and store. GPS distance is 4.87 miles.

I'll welcome you at the finish before returning to the marathoners' training course. Weather forecast: temperature in 40s with rain likely.


Question: What is the rationale behind this training program?

Answer: This half-marathon program is, fittingly, almost precisely half the one that our marathon Teams follow successfully. You train as the marathoners do early in their program – except that 13.1 miles is your end point, and 11 miles is your longest training run. You also train under conditions that mimic those of the race. Our group runs are nearly flat. If you want hill training, add some to your midweek runs. Our Sunday runs are on hard surfaces, because that’s where the race is run. You can seek out softer ground during the week. You run no faster in Sunday training than you will go in the race. Practice for speed elsewhere.