Tuesday, March 28, 2017

April 2nd Preview

You go out of town this Sunday, running to Springfield and back. Those eight miles begin at eight o’clock from the Eugene Running Company. You run the first four with our marathoners, who continue to 19 that day.

The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don’t cross. Turn left onto bike path, to Alton Baker restrooms and onto road. Follow road to the end at ponds. Turn right onto canal path and follow it under I-5, past boat ramp, to end of path at D Street in Springfield. Turn AROUND there and come back the same way: canal path, road, Alton Baker, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 7.95 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at four miles (D Street turnaround). Weather forecast: starting temperature in 40s with little chance of rain.


Question: If I have raced this distance before, can or should I do more training than this program lists?

Answer: More isn’t necessarily better. For these months, please buy into this program of long runs as written. It has a proven record of success, with runners who follow this training plan the closest usually doing the best in our designated race of the season. Stick to the scheduled distances on Sundays, neither shorter nor longer, and take as many of these runs as possible with the group. The average increase of one mile week already pushes the safe limit of 10 percent, and one of the goals here is to keep you healthy throughout the program. Adding extra miles could put you at risk of injury, and a goal is to get you safely to the starting line.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26th Results (7 miles)

With spring break from the university and other local schools upon us, I was pleasantly surprised with our turnout today. Eugene seemed to empty out this weekend.

Thanks to Lindsey for opening the store. She's two weeks away from her own spring marathon.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 6.95; target was to run at about current half-marathon pace)

Bill -- 1:04:44 (9:18 pace)

Jan -- 1:15:10 (10:53s)
Jean -- ran untimed after L.A. Marathon last Sunday
Tatiana -- ran untimed after L.A. Marathon last Sunday
Renee -- 1:14:14 (10:41s)
Rachel L. -- 1:04:06 (9:13s)
Jessica -- 1:17:55 (11:12s)
Lorrie -- 1:17:55 (11:12s)
Rachel W. -- 1:04:14 (9:14s)


David -- 1:04:06 (9:13s)


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 9.15; target was either to run at marathon pace, for recovery, or half-marathon pace, for speed training)

Neal -- 10.15 miles in 1:53:16 (11:09 pace)

Gary -- 1:22:18 (8:59s)
Kyoko -- 1:33:59 (10:16s)
Leah K. -- 10.15 miles in 1:22:07 (8:08s)
Rhonda -- 10.15 miles in 1:53:16 (11:09s)


Sherri -- 10.15 miles in 1:53:33 (11:11s)


(those reported to me)

Neal -- 6 miles on Tuesday

Kyoko - 12 miles on Saturday
Julie -- 20 miles in Salem on Sunday, 2:46:01 (8:18s)
Alisha -- 7 miles on Sunday
Trina -- 7 miles on Saturday
Leah W. -- 9 miles on Saturday in 1:32 (10:12s)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 26th Preview

You advance to seven miles this week, running the first 4.5 with our marathoners who are continuing to nine. It’s the usual eight o’clock start from the Eugene Running Company.

The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don’t cross. Turn left onto bike path, to Autzen footbridge and across. Turn right, to Valley River footbridge and across. Back to Ferry and store. GPS distance is 6.95 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at Skinner Butte playground (3.5 miles). Weather forecast: starting temperature in 40s with rain likely.


Question: What should I do during the week, between long runs?

Answer: On weekdays “rest” and “easy” are the key words. The biggest mistake half-marathon trainers make is trying to increase all their running. The longer you go on Sundays, the less you can or should do the other days. My recommended easy run is one lasting 30 to 60 minutes (usually closer to the half-hour than the hour) at a relaxed pace, totaling no more than two hours of running between Sundays. Training by minutes instead of miles encourages you to run easily, because you can’t rush time the way you might do with distance. I also urge you to take a day or two off (easy cross-training is okay those days) after the long run and one rest day before the next one.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19th Results (6.2 miles)

Not all days go as planned, but most of them work out as hoped when we have a backup plan. That one started early today with a call to Neal Benson. He quickly agreed to fill in as coach, a role he has played before with his own groups. Thanks, Neal! Thanks also to Lindsey Taylor for opening the store, and to Gary Hair's wife Susan for helping on the course.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 6.19; target was to run no faster than your eventual half-marathon pace)

Bill -- 1:00:05 (9:42 pace)
Jan -- 1:10:41 (11:42s) welcome back!
Stephanie -- 1:10:18 (11:21s)
Renee -- 1:10:41 (11:42s)
Alisha -- 57:24 (9:16s)
Rachel L. -- 57:24 9:16s)
Scott -- 1:00:00 (9:41s) welcome to team!
Jessica -- 1:11:26 (11:32s)
Lorrie -- 1:11:26 (11:32s)


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 17.08; target was to run no faster than your eventual marathon pace)

Mike -- 2:20 (8:11 pace)
Gary -- 2:46 (9:42s)
Kyoko -- 3:00 (10:32s)
Leah K. -- 2:20 (8:11s)
Anna -- 2:29 (8:43s) longest ever!
Leah W. -- 2:59 (10:29s)
Rhonda -- 3:25 (12:00s)


(those reported to me)

Bill -- 10K race on Friday in 48:37 (7:50s); 1st in age group!
Jean -- finished Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday
Tatiana -- finished Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday
Tori -- UO 5K on Tuesday in 23:44 (7:44s)
Rachel F. -- 6 miles on Saturday
Daniel -- UO 5K on Tuesday in 24:53 (8:01s) 
Kyoko -- 13 miles on Saturday, to start 30M weekend!
Julie -- 18 miles in Salem on Sunday in 2:25:40 (8:05s)
Scott -- UO 5K on Tuesday in 22:25 (7:14s)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 19th Preview

You step up to six miles this Sunday – actually 6.2, which is 10K in metric. You run the first 5K with our marathoners, who are continuing to 17 miles.

Your route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don’t cross. Turn left onto bike path, to Autzen footbridge and across. Turn right, to “1.5” milepost at Campbell Senior Center. Turn AROUND there, then go back the same way: Autzen, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 6.19 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at halfway. Weather forecast: starting temperature in 30s with little chance of rain.


Question: Why do we only meet as a group once a week, for the long run?

Answer: The weekly long run is by far the most critical. You could run almost nothing else during the week and still do fine in the half-marathon. Or you could run almost daily, skip too many long runs and not do fine. Make sure you take the long ones, and recover well in between. We increase the distance by one mile a week from five to 11 miles before easing down to six miles the final Sunday of training. Don’t jump ahead of yourself by thinking too soon, “Can I run 13 miles?” You’ll get there when you get there. For now, think only of training for six miles, then seven, then...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 12th Results (4.9 miles)

With the Cottage Grove Half happening yesterday, along with the Eugene Marathon preview run – plus the time change – our numbers were small this morning. But as I like to say on days like this, we had quality if not quantity.

Welcome to the team, Rachel and Lauren. Welcome back, Renee and Alisha.

Thanks to Lindsey for opening the store this morning. And to Neal for helping on the course.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 4.87; target was to run at about the effort you’ll eventually continue for a half-marathon)

Manny – 51:36 (10:35 pace)
Bill – 47:07 (9:40s)
Jean – ran untimed
Tatiana – ran untimed
Lauren – 46:14 (9:29s)
Renee – 51:22 (10:32s)
Alisha – 46:25 (9:32s)
Rachel L. – 46:25 (9:32s)


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 8.00; target was either to go faster than your last long run here, for speed training, or same pace, for recovery)

Kyoko – 1:23:15 (10:24 pace)


(those reported to me; Saturday’s Cottage Grove Half results were in a separate blog)

Jean – hour run on Saturday, to taper for L.A. Marathon
Tatiana – hour run on Saturday, to taper for L.A. Marathon
Gary – 5K race on Thursday in 25:55 (8:21s)
Kyoko – 11 miles on Saturday
Scott – 5 miles on Tuesday in 37:42 (7:27s)
Anna – 13.1 miles on Saturday
Rhonda – 10 miles on Saturday in 1:51:33 (11:07s)